Calendar > 02/16/2022

CE COURSE - Martinis, Millennials, Motherhood & Menopause - Considerations in Women's Health
Date: February 16, 2022
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: WEBINAR

Martinis, Millennials, Motherhood & Menopause - Considerations in Women's Health

Kelli Jaecks, MA, RDH

With over 50% of dentists graduating female and over 80% of dental hygienists being female, our industry needs a clear focus on women's health. Women have health considerations unique to their gender and hormonal make-up. According to the US Census, there are over 126 million women in the U.S. today. As our population ages, women will outnumber men two-to-one. How do we best care for ourselves and our patients in this growing reality?

Let's be real: throughout our lives as women, our bodies change, and our hormones groan. Whether we are dealing with our Periods and PMS, Pregnancy, or Perimenopause, many women find themselves feeling alone and confused by the changes in their bodies. As our hormones fluctuate, they affect our emotional and physical selves.

The good news? Women can be proactive in making lifestyle choices to get healthier and live longer. As healthcare providers, we can educate and empower our patients in positive habits for longevity.

This course will examine multiple systems within the female body that are affected as we age. We will explore practical strategies needed to reduce disease risk, while living healthy and well-balanced lives.

Learning Objectives

  • Discover how hormones impact multiple bodily systems, including oral health
  • Identify risk factors and prevention strategies for oral, heart, and bone health
  • Explore simple strategies in mental and physical wellness to beat the hormone groan at any age
  • Address the role of the health care professional in understanding, supporting and educating patients