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Friday, March 31, 2017
The Reservoir Restorative Revolution:
Bioactive Material and Its Place in Dentistry

8:30 AM — 4:00 PM
Chase Center on the Riverfront
Wilmington, Delaware
John C. Comisi, DDS
For years the dental profession has been struggling with providing effective long-term preventive and direct restorative solutions for our patients. The evidence is mounting that we may have been "barking up the wrong tree" in our efforts.
There have been many "bioactive" materials introduced, and there is a real need for the dental care provider to understand why and how to use these materials, and why they are important in patient care now and in the future.
Course Objectives:
- Explore the remin-demin process of the oral cavity, caries progression and what we need to positively influence the health of the oral cavity
- Review the current stat of the dental restorative process: why they succeed and why they fail
- Gain a true understanding of the current definition of bioactivity and the materials and mechanisms that can help you and our patients in daily dental care
About Dr. John C. Comisi Dr. Comisi has been in private
practice in Ithaca, NY since 1983, and is President and CEO of
Dental Care with a Difference®, PC, where "Knowledge Brings
Health"® and a Clinical Instructor in Dentistry at the University of
Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. A graduate of
Northwestern University Dental School, he received his Bachelor of
Science in Biology at Fordham University. He is a respected Key
Opinion Leader, author, speaker and consultant who contributes
regularly to the dental literature in such Journals as General
Dentistry, Compendium of Continuing Dental Education, Dental
Product Shopper, Mentor Magazine, Dental Products Report, Dental
Economics, CE Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Health Journal, Dentistry
Today and Inside Dentistry. He is an Editorial Board Member for
Dental Product Shopper magazine, an Editorial Advisory Board of
Dental Products Report and a member of the Continuing Education
Advisory Board of Dental Learning and a member of the Scientific
Advisory Board for Dental Biomaterials Research and Science
Group. He is a member of the National Dental Practice Based
Research Network (NDPBRN) and the International and American
Association of Dental Research. Dr. Comisi is a Master of the
Academy of General Dentistry, and holds Fellowships in the
Academy of Dentistry International, the American College of
Dentists, the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the International College
of Dentists. His practical approach to the trends in dentistry has
made him a much sought after speaker, author and consultant in the
dental industry. He brings a passion and a knowledge base that is
refreshing and sincere.